The issue of piercing different parts of the body to decorate it is still very controversial for many people. Although we have long been accustomed to pierced ears, we still look at jewelry in other parts of the body with surprise (and often with misunderstanding), or even earrings in our ears if there are more than one pair of them.
But now millions of people all over the world have pierced ears, navels, lips, tongues, noses, eyebrows... And sometimes, looking at someone's neat, toned tummy with a pierced navel, we also begin to think about something similar. To do or not to do? And what actually stops it?
Let's now weigh the PROS and CONS of such a procedure together and decide whether we should go to the salon to get extra (or not at all?) a hole.
So, what do we have FOR?
If you do not do piercing thoughtlessly - wherever and however, do not overdo it, trying to stand out with a lot of jewelry, just in order to get closer (in your own illusions, of course) to the ideal, then piercing can really become a wonderful decoration. And it will add beauty, personality, and sexuality! It will add a twist to your appearance and emphasize your style. Consequently, the attention from the male half (and to be honest, the female half too! ) you are provided for. And this, in turn, greatly enhances your own self-esteem.
Healing of the wound will take quite a long period. From 1-2 months (eyebrow, ears, lips) to 4-6 months (navel, ears, nipples, genitals).
Depending on the location, the healing period can be quite painful (such as a genital puncture).
Nipple punctures should not be rushed by those who have yet to breastfeed. It is not known how this will affect the lactation of milk.
Piercing should not be done for those who have acute and chronic diseases (decompensated forms of bronchial asthma, diabetes mellitus, hemophilia, hepatitis, epilepsy), as well as allergies to metals. In any case, the best option is to consult with our specialist who has a higher medical education.
If all these THINGS don't scare you or stop you, then the last recommendation on the list, but not the least, is to get a piercing DONE ONLY by a qualified specialist! If the piercing is done by a highly specialized specialist, then you can be sure that the jewelry will be sterilized, the place for the puncture is chosen correctly, and the needle and gloves are disposable. In addition, you will be fully advised on piercing care and all other issues that arise. real money casino canada
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